Caroline Adkins PhD
Job description: Vice-President, Institute for Life Coping Skills, Professor Emeriti, Hunter College City University of New York at Adkins Life Skills
Areas of interest: Employment and skills
Caroline Adkins PhD's Recent Activity
"The Adkins Life Skills: Career Development Series
The Adkins Program is an innovative multimedia, group, employability, learning program developed at Columbia University. The program aims specifically at helping economically disadvantaged and under-served adults and youth. The Adkins Program does what other programs often neglect: It systematically and sensitively enlists clients in discovering their strengths and taking responsibility for their own development and employment. In this setting, participants can build their skills, learning strategies, confidence, self-advocacy, and self-sufficiency. The Adkins Program is the framework for the job-training and education programs of The Homeless Services Bureau.
Job-Training and Education Programs
The Homeless Services Bureau of the Boston Public Health Commission has two paid, hands-on job-training programs, The Work Experience Program and The Serving Ourselves Program. The Homeless Services Bureau also has an educational and employment program, Project Lighthouse, which is available to program clients and emergency shelter guests.
Each program recognizes an individual’s needs and struggles and seeks to support clients in moving beyond shelter. By utilizing The Adkins Program, the programs help clients realize their potential and foster personal and professional growth. The programs hope to inspire the belief that it is never too late to change the direction of one’s life. For clients, the goal of these programs is to break the pattern of homelessness. Clients graduate by first re-entering the workforce and gaining new skills, and then finding independent employment.
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