Emma Bell
Job description: Executive Director at Jewish Women's Aid
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Areas of interest: Domestic abuse
Emma Bell's Recent Activity
"Jewish Women's Aid is the only specialist charity in the UK that works with Jewish women and children affected by domestic abuse. As well as running a refuge and advocacy and support service, JWA offers women free counselling and access to the specialsit intervention of a children's worker. In addition, the organisation campaigns across the Jewish community on the unacceptability of domestic abuse, and has recently begun training professionals in communal social welfare organistions. Our prevention work focusses on programmes in Jewish schools that explore healthy, safe relationships.
In 2011 JWA conducted independent research on domestic abuse in the Jewish community, including a community wide survey and interviews with ex-JWA clients.The value of a specialist service was roundly endorsed, with 78% of survey respondents indicating that a Jewish-specific domestic abuse was needed.
“You feel alone, sometimes as a Jewish woman, like you are the only one, ever, to have had
an abusive male husband. And then after coming to JWA, you realise that an organisation
like that wouldn’t exist if you were the only one. And you wouldn’t wish it on anyone else,
but there is comfort in knowing you are not alone “ (26 year old JWA client.)
For more information please go to: www.jwa.org.uk"
Reply To: Prevention and recovery from domestic abuse and sexual violence