Kate Moss
Job description: Professor at University of Wolverhampton
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Areas of interest: Housing and homelessness – services for women with complex needs, Families and children – including relationships
Kate Moss's Recent Activity
"Women Rough Sleepers is an EU DAPHNE-funded project which aims to increase the knowledge base related to domestic abuse suffered by Women Rough Sleepers. As part of the research, in the UK, we found that mental health issues for female rough sleepers were very prominent and all those we interviewed were effected, ranging from depression to more serious mental illnesses such as bi polarity and also permanent mental health issues arising out of long term drug and alcohol abuse. Many were or had been self harmers.
To find out more about this project see: http://www.womenroughsleepers.eu/ and also our new website and follow up project on women's homelessness at: http://www.womenroughsleepers2.eu"
Reply To: Mental health and wellbeing
"Women Rough Sleepers is an EU DAPHNE-funded project which aims to increase the knowledge base related to domestic abuse suffered by Women Rough Sleepers. As part of the research, in the UK, we found that drug and alcohol use for female rough sleepers was significant, and an issue for 50% and 55% respectively. This was a higher percent than the women we interviewed in both Spain and Hungary.
To find out more about this project see: http://www.womenroughsleepers.eu/"
Reply To: Substance use: helping women with drug and alcohol problems
"Women Rough Sleepers is an EU DAPHNE-funded project which aims to increase the knowledge base related to domestic abuse suffered by Women Rough Sleepers. We are also working to develop knowledge transfer activities that equip organisations so that they can set up or adopt effective policy, strategies and services to meet the needs of Women Rough Sleepers. The project will lead to the development of an EU wide network to facilitate future collaboration, be a joined-up voice in this field and by offering a range of services assist in the further sharing, development and enhancement of knowledge and expertise in this field.
In our research to-date, partner abuse has been extremely prominent in the experiences of women rough sleepers. In the UK, 70% had experienced partner abuse, and in other countries this was as high as 100% (Spain).
To find out more about this project see: http://www.womenroughsleepers.eu/"
Reply To: Prevention and recovery from domestic abuse and sexual violence
"Women Rough Sleepers is an EU DAPHNE-funded project which aims to increase the knowledge base related to domestic abuse suffered by Women Rough Sleepers. We are also working to develop knowledge transfer activities that equip organisations so that they can set up or adopt effective policy, strategies and services to meet the needs of Women Rough Sleepers. The project will lead to the development of an EU wide network to facilitate future collaboration, be a joined-up voice in this field and by offering a range of services assist in the further sharing, development and enhancement of knowledge and expertise in this field.
In our research to-date, issues related to motherhood and children have come out as extremely important for women rough sleepers. In the UK, 65% of women interviewed had children who were not currently in their care, in Hungary this was 75% and Spain 90%.
To find out more about this project see: http://www.womenroughsleepers.eu/"
Reply To: Children and families: improving support