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Laura Smith 81

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Laura Smith 81

Job description: Independent at

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Areas of interest: Housing and homelessness – services for women with complex needs, Mental health and wellbeing, Employment and skills, Improving support for women involved in prostitution

Laura Smith 81's Recent Activity

"http://www.thefword.org.uk/blog/2013/06/20130618_GL_Wild This is an interesting article written by someone working in a supported housing project for people with mental health conditions. It raises questions about gender, freedom and autonomy and whether clients are treated as active or passive agents. "Approaches to behavioural choices can be very different. Sexual activity in women is often approached as a signifier of a deterioration in mental health. In one case a 9 p.m. curfew has been imposed in order to protect a client from engaging in 'risky' behaviour. Where relationships or friendships have a negative impact on both parties, for example where people have a tendency to encourage people to drink to excess, it is generally assumed to be the man driving this negative behaviour, the woman engaging purely as a passenger.""
Reply To: Mental health and wellbeing